Village hall venue comprising of a main hall, small hall, committee room and kitchen.

About Chilworth Hall

Chilworth Hall is a community hall in the village of Chilworth in the northern suburbs of Southampton.
The hall comprises a main hall, a small hall (with a partition), and a committee room.
There is ample parking behind the hall (approx. 40 spaces). The hall has a maximum 120 people capacity.
The hall is adjacent to the Village Green which has a play area and trim trail.
It is situated off the A27 next to The Chilworth Arms pub.


The Main Hall


The Small Hall


The Committee Room


The Village Green




Other Events

This hall is run by a group of volunteers.


If you would be interested in helping to run any functions or be part of the committee, please email

Keep up to date

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Local info page

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Local Information Page Have you had a good experience with a local builder, tradesman or similar recently? Would you recommend them to your neighbours? With their permission, please contact us with their

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Coffee Mornings

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Booking the Hall

To hire the main hall, small hall or committee room please use the booking form