PPR PPL declaration to Hirers

Changes to PRS/PPL Music Licence facility

Changes to PRS/PPL Music Licence facility at Chilworth Hall

Due to an amalgamation between PRS/PPL-the Music Licence, the conditions of registration have changed. In the past the Chilworth Hall Licence covered both sectors for all Hall users. It has come to our notice that from 2018 the two sectors were split and the registration requirement has changed to:

PRS is the responsibility of CHILWORTH HALL to obtain cover for all music use held within its premises.

PPL is the responsibility of the relevant individual/organisations that plays recorded music to obtain. Therefore ALL CHILWORTH HALL users playing music within their hire period are responsible to obtaining a PPL licence. (Exclusion: Private Family Parties).

We have received the following explanation for the PPL Licence
“We have a multitude of different tariffs for specific uses which have been created alongside various governing bodies and associations to ensure that the charges are acceptable and fair for all users.
These tariffs are based upon different metrics based upon how music is used. The Community Buildings tariff is specifically designed for community halls/centres where music use can drastically vary from year to year and is designed to relieve the large administration effort it would take to provide us with all of the necessary information required for each activity. It is also designed to be as cost effective for voluntary non-profit organisations as possible. For your hirers, they will not receive these forms and their licences will be based upon appropriate metrics such as attendance”.

We recommend that you telephone and discuss your requirements with a PPS/PPL advisor. In event of any difficulties please inform Donna Jones and we will try to assist.

Useful Information from Website: PPL/PRS.co.uk
PRS-for Music – Community buildings (village halls)
PPL Tariff for the Public Use of Sound Recordings
-Community Building Tariff ref. PPLPP116
-Exercise to Music Tariff PPLPP222
-Single & Casual Events Tariff PPLPP002

Booking the Hall

To hire the main hall, small hall or committee room please use the booking form